The Squirrel Project: Problem Solving Abilities of Squirrels

The goal of this project is to provide an informative and humorous look at how squirrels solve increasingly difficult obstacles in my backyard. The Squirrel Project was inspired by a BBC television show entitled "Daylight Robbery" and its more originally titled sequel "Daylight Robbery II” - Comments Welcome!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Philippine Battle Tree YoYo

Philippine Battle Tree Yo-Yo


At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continued yo-yo improvements built upon the design innovations of the 1990's have turned the "Number One Toy of the 20th Century" into a sophisticated piece of sporting equipment. The current breed of ball-bearing, performance quality yo-yo's have continued to increase the caliber of tricks performed by elite players and encourage new players to learn these skills faster than ever before. Consequently, there are more players competing in and enjoying the sport than ever before. Yo-yoing has become an entertaining sport for players and spectators alike.

Please join!


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