The Squirrel Project: Problem Solving Abilities of Squirrels

The goal of this project is to provide an informative and humorous look at how squirrels solve increasingly difficult obstacles in my backyard. The Squirrel Project was inspired by a BBC television show entitled "Daylight Robbery" and its more originally titled sequel "Daylight Robbery II” - Comments Welcome!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Who are “They”?

Every question from these bird people began with “they say” …. “They say I should put black pepper into my nuts to keep the squirrels out, is this true?” “They say squirrels have an 80% chance of having rabies, so I should shoot them” “They say that if I hang a yellow scarf next to my feeder, the squirrels will think it's a large cat and not go near the food”

With a little bit of a grin, I know this is partially my fault, I said “a yellow scarf?” (And there was a little bit if a laugh in my voice) The older gentleman got a little agitated at my question and proceeded to explain to me what a scarf was in a very condescending manner. I swallowed that, but when he got to explaining what the color yellow was, I had to do something.
This was not how I wanted to start the class. So I said “I apologies for laughing, I didn’t mean any disrespect”. In a slightly frightened but stern voice I asked “Sir, tell me you did not hang a yellow scarf near or around your bird feeder?” He nodded yes. I said “yellow is to a squirrel is like red is to a bull (Note: bulls are colorblind and they react to the motion of the cape not the color but I think these bird people got the picture). I continued to say “yellow will cause something know as “fury frenzy” if two or more squirrels are within 25 feet of each other making those 80% rabid squirrels infuriated and the only thing that could make it worst?”. I looked back at class full of blank faces and said “pepper”. 6 people got up and left the class.

BTW: Yellow scares the crap out of squirrels.


At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow did that really happen?

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Edgar Max said...



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